
About Us

         The Vallo's


Terry and Sylvia Vallo: We live in Michigan. We live in a small town out in the country and we love every second of it. Terry and I first meet in 1996 in DeWitt Michigan we were entering fifth Grade. Terry and I got married on June 12 2009. We both enjoy cooking, video games, being outside, and watching movies. Terry is highly involved with the video gaming community. We are of the Christian faith, and we love meeting new people. We are an outgoing family. We love to try new things! The experience of doing something new is a thrill to us. Someday we hope to have a small little farm of our own. Until that day we are learning as much as we can. However nothing will ever compare to the wonderful blessings that our children give to us. They give us so much joy and we enjoy watching them grow. 

Wyatt:  He loves playing outside and video games. He started Cub Scouts this year and he just adores every minute of it. He is looking forward to the many activities that Scouts has to offer. Other things he is into are, Superheroes, Minecraft, and playing on his tablet. He loves watching youtube, anything and everything that has to do with Minecraft. He is looking forward to starting football next year and he has been trying to learn more about it. He enjoys spending time at school and Loves to read. He is such a blessing to have around. He makes me smile and laugh all the time. One of his all time favorite things is Monkeys. He has many stuffed monkeys and I am sure that one day he will own one. Right now he wants to grow up and join the military or be a cop. Both are wonderful things to do with your life so I would be proud if he did become one of those. 

Lorelai: She also loves to play outside and some video games. She also loves her Disney. She loves to sing and dance no matter what time of day it is. I am truly convinced that she believes her life is a Disney Movie with that amount of singing she does. She started school this year and she seems to be enjoying it there. I think she will either grow up to be a Doctor since she is into checking everyone's "Boo Boos" or She will be a star since she is such a little Diva. She was born to be in front of a camera. She is a tomboy with glitter. She will be able to play both the girl next door and girly girl image. She doesn't say what she wants to be when she grows up yet but anything she does she will shine! 

As you can see we have a lot to be Thankful for. Sometimes Life is not easy, but I know as long as I have my family we can make it through.
 If you would like to know anything else about us please ask! 
Thank you so much for checking us out